ANZU Construction prides itself in having some of the most qualified and experienced staff in the civil engineering field and delivering services of the highest quality and standards.
Quality management is a fundamental part of our operational philosophy, which is why we operate international quality management systems, namely: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 29001, ISO 22000 and HACCP.
ANZU Construction has implemented numerous projects in Iraq; the latest projects are K44_road and site preparation for Western Zagros, Complex Commercial Building for ANZU Enterprises, Automotive showrooms, Shahid Shahab Building, Kalawanan, and Tasluja Checkpoints.

Our vision is to bring a functional and aesthetic design to our living environment and provide high-quality services in all fields of architecture.

Kurdamir Project:
This project was awarded to ANZU Construction (a part of Anzu Enterprises) by Western Zagros, an international oil company, operating in the Garmiyan region of Kurdistan.

The project is consisting of camp construction for their main and drilling operations, rehabilitating an old drilling pad and constructing two new ones as well as constructing two main roads to the oil field.

Tasluja Checkpoint:
Constructing a new security check-point in Tasluja, which is one of the main entrance roads of Sulaimaniyah City from its west side. The check-point contains several buildings, serving different purposes, such as residency check-up, tourist services center, quality control, and a waiting area.

The check point is equipped with the latest equipment to ensure maximum security and safety for visitors and security personnel alike. The architectural aspect of the project has been designed in such a way that would have a welcoming effect to visitors as well as reflecting the beauty of the city itself.